This article will explain why you do not receive the location of your GPS Tracker. If you have any further questions about the GPS tracker we invite you to click here. If your inquiry relates to other products, we invite you to visit our Help Center.
It may occur that your GPS Tracker stops transmitting its location. This can be caused by:
- Insufficient coverage:
If your home is in a zone with poor coverage, we do not guarantee the optimal functioning of the GPS Tracker. Check that your zone is well covered on the Sigfox coverage map.
Hilly or mountainous areas do not allow optimal usage either.
* example of a poorly covered area
If you live in an area with poor Sigfox coverage, when your phone is within reach of your tracker, it might transmit to some locations but as soon as your phone moves away, the tracking will no longer work.
If you live in a covered area, you will receive positions according to your coverage every 5 or 10 minutes and you will only need Bluetooth to use the proximity radar, or to access your settings.
- Battery issue:
Make sure your Tracker is well-charged.
- Position of the tracker:
The tracker must not be placed underground or in a place that prevents transmission (frequencies do not pass through metal and stone houses).
Also, make sure it is not in a metal box or tube, and that the logo side of the tracker is looking towards the exterior, not facing any metal plate.
If you are not in any of these situations please restart your tracker.