This article will explain to you how to create your group on Triby. If you have other questions on Triby please click here. If your inquiry concerns other product please visit our Help Center.
If you are an Android user, please read this article.
What's a Triby group?
A Triby group gathers all the devices that can interact with Triby (usually, mobile devices of members of your family). Each avatar represents a group member. When a member of the group downloads the app and connects to the group, they will have to identify themselves with an avatar. If that member owns two mobile devices (like an iPhone and an iPad), they can identify themselves on both devices using the same avatar.
In order to create your Triby group please follow this step-to-step guide below:
- Open the Triby app (black square)
- Click on "Create a group" (red square)
- Enter your email, password and your avatar
Your group is now created on Triby! Next step: you can create your "Home" and add Triby with the dedicated app.