This article will explain to you how to add Triby to your "Home" using the Home app. If you have other questions on Triby please click here. If your inquiry concerns other products please visit our Help Center.
With "Homekit", you can add and connect smart home devices such as connected lamps (Phillips Hue), security material but also the smart portable speaker Triby.
Please note that in order to control Triby and use Homekit and/or IFTTT you must possess either an Apple TV or an Ipad. Also the devices must run under the latest iOS versions (iOS 10 and/or 11).
Please follow this step-to-step guide:
- Open the "Home" app (black square)
- Click on "Add Accessory" (black square)
- With the camera on your iOS device, scan the eight-digit HomeKit code displayed on Triby (red square); you may also type the code directly using the keyboard
- Select your Triby in the list (here Triby-45FC, red square)
- Click on "Allow" (red square)
- When Triby is registered, you may add it to a room (the app will suggest potential names such as "Bedroom"; if you choose to not give a name then by default the name will be "Room"); here our example is "Bureau Invoxia" (red square)
- Triby will give you the humidity level in the room where it's placed but also the temperature, click on "Next" on stage 2 (red square) and "OK" at stage 3 (yellow square)
- Triby is now added to your "Home", it appears on the "Home" desktop (black square)
If you want to know how to create your "Home" and add Triby (using the dedicated app) to it please read this article.