What is a MAC address?
The MAC address of a product is a sequence of 12 alphanumerical characters which identifies the product on a network interface.
Example of a MAC address: 18:B7:9E:02:14:10
- the first 6 digits are the same for all invoxia products
- the last 6 digits are unique for every product and are used to identify it on our network interface.
Where can I find my Triby's MAC address?
Your Triby's MAC address looks like this:
There are two ways to find your Triby's MAC address:
If you do have access to your Triby's screen:
- Simultaneously, press the two list buttons on either side of the screen (...)
- Press Radio preset 2 to navigate to System. Press the right side list button (...) to select.
- Select Information. Your MAC address will be listed on the second line, just beneath Version.
If you don't have access to your Triby's screen:
The 6 Xs correspond to the unique ID of your Triby. This ID is identical to the last 6 digits of your Triby's serial number.
This Triby's MAC address is 18:B7:9E:02:14:10
The MAC address is not the same as the serial number. Read more.