This article explains the "proximity radar" feature. If you have any further questions about the Pet Tracker we invite you to click here. If your search concerns other products we invite you to visit the Help Center.
The Pet Tracker allows you to monitor both your pet's location and its activity (walking, running, eating / drinking, scratching, barking...). The activity can then be monitored in the app. Monitoring your pet's activity in the long run can help you detect any abnormal behavior that could be a sign of health issue, and check that it recovers well from injuries or sickness. There are two ways the activity is retrieved from the Pet Tracker:
- Twice a day, at noon and midnight, the tracker will send a report of total activity in the last 12 hours. This aggregated report can be seen in the weekly and monthly views in the app as explained below.
The Pet Tracker will send a more detailed activity journal for the day, where you can see what your pet was up to each hour, each time when the tracker is detected by the Invoxia GPS application. It is thus necessary to think of going near the tracker with your telephone in a daily way, to activate the bluetooth and to give the authorization to the application to launch itself in "background" in order to avoid having to open this last one.
In the Invoxia GPS application it is possible to follow the activity of your favourite animal. Here are the different steps to follow and the specifics of each tab.
You will then see the activity follow-up. You can then choose the day, week, month or year. You will also be able to choose the "timeline" and thus a global summary of the different activities or to select a particular activity (walking, eating, scratching, sleeping...).
When you are on the map, press the name of your tracker to bring up your pet's activity record.
You will then see the activity follow-up. You can then choose the day, week, month or year. You will also be able to choose the "timeline" and thus a global summary of the different activities or to select a particular activity (walking, eating, scratching, sleeping...).
The Pet Tracker allows you to monitor both your pet's location and its activity (walking, running, eating / drinking, scratching, barking...). The activity can then be monitored in the app. Monitoring your pet's activity in the long run can help you detect any abnormal behavior that could be a sign of health issue, and check that it recovers well from injuries or sickness.
There are two ways the activity is retrieved from the Pet Tracker:
- Twice a day, at noon and midnight, the tracker will send a report of total activity in the last 12 hours. This aggregated report can be seen in the weekly and monthly views in the app as explained below.
The Pet Tracker will send a more detailed activity journal for the day, where you can see what your pet was up to each hour, each time when the tracker is detected by the Invoxia GPS application. It is thus necessary to think of going near the tracker with your telephone in a daily way, to activate the bluetooth and to give the authorization to the application to launch itself in "background" in order to avoid having to open this last one.
When you are on the map, drag the tab at the bottom upwards to display the necessary buttons.
Two options are available, you can go to "activity" which is a summary of your pet's activity per week/month/year. This information is uploaded via a LoRa or Sigfox transmission twice a day. You can also go to "journal" where you will have the more precise daily informations which are transmitted via bluetooth when you are close to the tracker with your phone.