The GPS Tracker relies on several technologies to locate itself:
- Bluetooth, when it is within range of your smartphone and you have allowed the Invoxia GPS App to always locate you, so that it can save battery life. In these cases, the precision is that of your smartphone's location.
- Wifi positioning: when within range of Wifi hotspots, especially in urban areas, the GPS Tracker will detect the hotspots around and deduct its location. This technology works indoor and is less battery consuming than GPS. With this, the precision can vary from a radius of 5 meters in dense urban areas, to 80-100 meters when in presence of houses that are set a bit apart from each others( less dense suburban areas for instance).
- GPS: when it has no other choice, the GPS Tracker will use GPS to locate itself. Depending on the quality of signal received, precision can vary between 5 meters and 100 meters. Certain factors (stormy weather, sky hidden from view by trees, being indoors) and other sources of error may affect the accuracy. We cannot guarantee that the GPS signal will work 100% of the time, as GPS satellite's signal connections can experience downtime, interruptions, or dead spots.
Please note that we filter out any position that we deem too imprecise so as not to create confusion.
When looking at your latest position in the app, the blue circle around the position indicates the radius of precision: your GPS Tracker can be located anywhere within this circle.
To find your GPS Tracker, go to the latest position indicated in the App, and launch the Proximity Radar. Start moving around slowly until the smartphone detects the Tracker in Bluetooth. When it is the case, you can make it ring, or keep moving and monitor that you are getting closer in the Proximity Radar.