Here are the authorizations that are necessary for an optimal experience with your GPS Tracker:
On iOS:
- Bluetooth: it is used for setting up and updating your Tracker, which cannot function without it. It will also allow for smart alerts: you won't be notified if you are moving your own vehicle and your smartphone is nearby. Bluetooth should be authorized and activated at all times on your iPhone.
- Location: you should set location authorization to always in your phone settings, as this will significantly maximize your Tracker's battery life, especially if you track your own vehicle and your Tracker is within range of your iPhone. Your iPhone's location should be activated at all times.
- Notifications: you should allow push notifications on your iPhone in order to receive the different alerts (anti-theft, geofencing etc).
- Authorize Face ID if you want to remove a GPS Tracker from your account without entering a password.
- Authorize access to your Camera and Photo Library if you want to customize the Tracker's picture in the app. We will never store or use your pictures for purposes other than displaying the picture you have chosen in the app.
On Android:
- Authorize location and location in background, so that the Tracker can rely on the app when nearby to save its battery life. This will provide you the best experience with your GPS Tracker. This is also necessary on Android for Bluetooth to work well.
- Bluetooth should always be activated on your smartphone.
- Location should be activated at all times on your smartphone.