In which country does the tracker work ?
The Invoxia GPS Tracker uses low-power networks in order to communicate, including LoRa Orange in France, LoRa Swisscom in Switzerland and Sigfox for the rest of the world (RC1). These innovative networks are currently being rolled out and are continually being improved.
IMPORTANT: The different networks are "independent" of each other. If your tracker is configured for France, it will not work in Germany for example.
Examples :
1) Your tracker is configured for France, so it uses the Orange-Lora network to locate itself. The tracker will only work for France.
2) Your tracker is configured for Spain or Belgium, so you will be connected to the Sigfox network. Your tracker will work in all countries using the Sigfox network.
Currently, our trackers are working in the following countries:
- Countries under LoRa Orange :
- Metropolitan France (EXCEPT Corsica, where coverage is not yet sufficient)
- Countries under LoRa Swisscom :
- Countries under Sigfox :
- Reunion Island
- Germany
- Spain
- Portugal
- Luxembourg
- Belgium
- The Netherlands
- Denmark
- Czech Republic
- Italy (Northern and South-Eastern Regions, Rome and Naples)..
New countries will soon be covered. We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter in order to be kept up to date on the service openings in the next countries.